Web Site Building | Data Collection Solutions by Pace Logic | Deal Island - Chance Lions Club
For a number of years webauthority.net provided services for creating and implementing web sites on the internet. Later the site evolved into a Data Collection Solutions website sponsered by Pace Logic offering customers innovative solutions to meet today’s business needs. The third iteration of the site was for the Deal Island - Chance Lions Club whose major focus was on fund raising activities.
Consequently this site is a great example of what frequently happens when a domain's registration is not renewed and a new owner takes over the site and rebrands it with a new mission. Somes times a new owner has chosen a particular domain to buy because the site's url comports with their vision / theme of what they envision of their newly acquired site. Other buyers of domains want them because the domain had had great traffic and they think the visitors will continue to come to the site even though the new owners may be selling / hawking something that has nothing to do with the site's original purpose or its url.
One has to wonder why the Deal Island - Chance Lions Club used this domain www.webauthority.net for their site. What does Deal Island - Chance Lions Club have to do with web authority? How can visitors even remember the website for Deal Island - Chance Lions Club with an url (webauthority.net) like that.
Fortunately Deal Island - Chance Lions Club current website makes more sense. [Our editor thought this was the ideal time to bring up the philosophers' concept of "nothing" as a way of segmenting into the absurd. But we talked him out of it since we believe we have made sense of these seeming unrelated issues. The "nothing" argument notwithstanding.
If you have inadvertantly ended up here looking for the Deal Island – Chance Lions Club, go to: http://dealislandchancelionsclub.org/ .
1st Iteration of Site circa 2001
Got an idea for a Web Site? ... we can help... webauthority.net provides services for creating and implementing your web site on the internet. We will assist in the process of establishing an internet presence for small and medium size businesses. The experts estimate that sales of products and services via the internet will reach 1.5 trillion dollars by 2002. How much of the pie will your business get? Why do you need a Web Site? Here are just a few reasons why individuals and businesses are selecting the internet as a way to market and promote their products and services.
What about e.commerce? Electronic commerce is a method for effectively selling products and services via the internet. Some of the benefits include:
How to get started ... Fill out the on-line survey. By answering these questions you will have taken the first step toward identifying your needs. |
"In 2002 we filled out the online form and were rewarded with a significant amount of valuable recommendations for our existing business in New York City. We're a small service business trying to get traction in the search results of Google - our primary search term was "local carpet cleaner in NYC" and there was a lot of competition. The other carpet/rug cleaning companies were more established and all already had an established customer base, so we needed to find a way to improve our visibility online. Based on the suggestions we received, we created compelling content that laid out exactly how we were able to out perform our competition. We focused on customer needs - for example, we learned that service businesses like our were often judged based on how quickly they could service customers, so we focused on same day rug cleaning. We also found ways to diversify into related fields - drapery cleaning, rug and carpet restoration, etc. In short, the advice we received was instrumental in our eventual success and we are indebted to the webauthority.net for the support we received." Jon Suiter
2nd Iteration of Site circa 2003
Welcome to Web Authority .... Sponsored by Pace Logic
Data Collection Solutions That Work!
Our mission at Pacelogic is to provide cost effective solutions for data collection and tracking. We offer turn-key solutions for Inventory Tracking, Stockroom Management, Asset Tracking, GPS Vehicle Tracking, and Warehouse Management.
Manage and Monitor your fleet of vehicles using our low cost GPS Vehicle Tracking System from GeoTab.
Pacelogic is a premier provider of turn-key application software from IntelliTrack .
For many implementations, our customization services can provide a solution using a shrink-wrapped software package without breaking the budget.
Pacelogic can provide a total turn-key solution including hardware from manufactures such as Symbol, PSC, Intermec, and Zebra with equipment ranging from wireless LANS to barcode printers.
Pace Logic is dedicated to offering our customers innovative solutions to meet today’s business needs.
Integration of PDA devices and hardened data collection terminals to your business systems.
Information dissemination using Kiosk applications.
Custom written data collection applications
Perhaps the most exciting options include our Kiosk Solutions.
Kiosks provide an amazing number of options for delivering products and services to an increasingly computer literate customer. The Self-Service nature of the well designed kiosk application, allows your customers to benefit from offerings without having to wait for a salesperson or customer service representative – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Because of these benefits, Kiosks are becoming more popular than ever before. Current technology allows kiosks to be connected to central databases via LAN, wireless, or Internet infrastructures, providing instant and timely information.
Our Unique CUSTOMIZE YOURSELF design allows our Kiosk clients to update and modify Kiosk screen content through an easy to use interface. Screen colors, pictures, headings, and other content can be changed in a configuration file and automatically update the display on all kiosks on the network – instantly!
Contact us today to see how this exciting technology can augment your existing sales and customer service offerings.
3rd Iteration of Site
Deal Island - Chance Lions Club
"Striving for Excellence From Our Hearts"
Post Office Box 158
Deal Island, Maryland 21821
I was born in 1917. The International Charter is my birth certificate; the blood lines of the world run through my veins. I am many things and many people.
I remember communities where service to one’s fellowman was unknown; when the challenge came, I answered in community after community until today I am over 43,000 clubs. I am over 1.4 million living souls and the ghosts of thousands who have lived and died for me. I am big; I sprawl to all corners of the world; 185 nations and geographic locations embrace my banner.
I am parts of the world throbbing with industry; I represent farms, forests, mountains and deserts; I am in quiet villages and cities that never sleep; you can look at me and see the Golden Rule. You can see me in the lights of Christmas and appreciate my holiday baskets for the needy; I am a leader dog; a pair of glasses or an operation for the near blind… Sight conservation is uppermost in my mind
I am greatly interested in the schools and colleges in this great nation of yours and mine; in the many churches where my people worship God as they think best; I am a ballot box, the roar of a crowd in a stadium and the voice of a choir in a Cathedral; I am an editorial in a newspaper and a letter to a Congressman, because….
My slogan is: Liberty, Intelligence and Our Nation’s Safety.
Yes I am a Lion, and these things that I am; I was conceived in Freedom and God willing, in Freedom I will spend the rest of my days.
May I possess always the integrity, the courage, and the strength to keep Lionism unshackled, to remain a citadel of freedom, of service, and a beacon of hope to all parts of the world for my motto is: WE SERVE
The International Association of Lions Clubs was created in 1917 by a Chicago businessman named Melvin Jones. The International Association of Lions Clubs is today the largest service organization in the world with over 1.4 million members in more than 43,000 clubs in 701 Districts covering 182 countries and geographic areas. Lions Clubs are not social clubs, although there are social benefits to membership. Lions Club members give their time, skills and resources to raise funds for charity giving both in their communities and internationally.
The major focus of Lions fund raising activities is sight conservation, although other projects are pursued such as drug awareness programs in high schools, diabetes awareness programs and other programs that are specific to individual Clubs and Districts. Lions took up sight conservation as their major goal after a speech given by Helen Keller at the Lions International Convention held at Cedar Point, Ohio, in 1925. At that time, Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become "Knights of the Blind", a challenge that has become a rallying cry for Lions projects around the world.
Lions work in the area of sight conservation is carried out at many levels. Individual Clubs sponsor free eye screening programs using mobile eye clinics. In many countries, Clubs sponsor eye surgery camps where cataract surgeries are performed at no charge for those that can't afford this medical care. Many clubs collect old eye glasses for distribution to the needy in other countries.
The International Association of Lions Clubs is the largest non-governmental organization associated with the United Nations and was called upon by the United Nations and the World Health Organization to raise funds for an international program of sight conservation. It has been estimated that 40 million cases of curable and preventable blindness exist on this planet today. Without intervention, this is projected to become 80 million by the end of the decade. The International Association of Lions Clubs began a program of fund raising that they called "Campaign Sight First" in order to cure/prevent 40 million cases of blindness worldwide. Over $148,600,000 has been raised by Lions all over the world for this program. Eye hospitals are being built in the places that most need them. In India alone, over 300,000 cataract surgeries have been performed and that number is rapidly growing. Lions services to humanity range from purchasing eyeglasses for a child who's parents can't afford them to multimillion dollar programs to cure blindness on a worldwide scale.
The Lions Club relies on the generosity of the general public to raise funds for our charity projects. By purchasing products from this page, you help our club raise money to help people. Many people are wary of shopping on the internet, if you have questions about how it works, click Frequently Asked Questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I click on one of the books am I required to buy it?
No. When you click on the picture of the book, a new window will open up that links you to the Amazon.com web site. Once at the site, you can browse around till your hearts content without having to order anything.
Thank you for your patronage.
Beautiful Swimmers : Watermen, Crabs and the Chesapeake Bay by William W. Warner An absolutely fascinating work. A joy to read. Warner captures something about man and nature that is just beautiful. I enjoyed reading it the year it was published and treasure that I have a hard bound copy and a (badly weathered) soft copy, which have both been read several times. Anyone interested in the Chesapeake, Maryland, crabs, watermen, nature, a different way of life, should read this book. |
Chesapeake Waters : Four Centuries of Controversy, Concern, and Legislation by Steven G. Davison Chesapeake Waters chronicles four centuries of public attitudes about the Bay - and legislative responses to them - from 1607, the date of the first English settlement in Jamestown, Virginia, to the close of the twentieth century. In the last few decades, wide-reaching measures by federal and local governments have influenced how people use the Bay: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency completed a massive study of Bay quality; the Chesapeake Bay Program was launched; the Critical Area Protection Act went into effect. The authors make sense of these complex programs, place them in historical context, and explain how they have improved the quality of Bay waters. Chesapeake Waters is as much about the power of public perception as it is about efforts to oversee Bay water quality. In a work rich with anecdotes and historical art and photos, the authors relate how human attitudes and ideas have shaped four hundred years of decisions about the Chesapeake Bay |
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Chesapeake Bay Cooking With John Shields : The Companion Cookbook to the Public Television Show by John Shields If you think Chesapeake Bay cooking is all about the hard- or soft-shelled blue crab--about crab cakes, deviled crab, crab soufflés, crab-stuffed mushroom caps, ham and crab imperial, crabmeat curry, crab fluffs, crab and artichoke dip, crab loaf, crab quiche, and soft-shell crab sandwiches--you have another think coming. This isn't to say that the first 60 or so pages of Chesapeake Bay Cooking aren't dedicated to the blue crab. They are. But then John Shields moves right into oysters, then seafood, soups and stews, chicken and game birds, meat and game, and on all the way to desserts, pickles, and preserves. |
1:00 pm. – PARADE (Deal Island School to Festival Grounds)
CAR SHOW-AFTER PARADE: Antiques/Classics/Street Rods
2:00-6:00 pm. – TWO KAYAK RACES
2:00-6:00 pm. – MUSIC ON STAGE::
7:00 pm. – BAND & DANCE:
9:00 am. – PHRF RACE (Preferred Handicap Race Factor)
10:00 am. – DJ MUSIC
1:30 pm –- CRAB POT TOSSING CONTEST (Male/Female Contest)
2:00-6:00 pm.- MUSIC ON STAGE:
The 40th Annual Skipjack Race & Land Festival
Saturday ~ September 4, 1999
Starting at 10:00 AM - Thrill to the Roller Coaster, Ferris Wheel, Merry Mixer, Octopus and so much more....................
Beginning at 6:00 PM ..... A Gospel Concert Featuring:
Our very own talented BENTON family AND The Reunion's
And, from Dahlonega Georgia, one of gospel's premier and nationally known family group, The PERRYS.
Sunday ~ September 5, 1999
Beginning at 1:00 PM
A Parade Rides for kids of all ages Arts & Crafts
Food, Soft Drinks, Cotton Candy and so much more
Including Jeff Gordon's Race Car Driving Simulator
2:30 PM ~ Parade Awards Ceremony
3:00 PM ~ Kayak Demonstration And Fly Fishing Demonstration
4:30 PM ~ Smith Island Skiff Race
8:00 PM to Midnight ~ Enjoy dancing and good listening from the popular "Southern Breeze Band."
Monday ~ September 6, 1999
6:00 AM till 3:00 PM ~ Fishing Contest
8:45 AM ~ Little Skipjack Race
9:00 AM ~ Rides and Concessions
9:00 AM ~ Sail Boat Racing, two classes
9:30 AM ~ The 40th Annual Historical Skipjack Race
10:00 AM till 6:00 PM ~ Jeff Gordon's Race Car Driving Simulator
1:00 PM ~ Swimming Contest
2:30 PM ~ Small & Large Boat Docking Contest
6:00 PM ~ Awards Ceremony
Sponsored by the Deal Island - Chance Lions Club
"Striving for Excellence from our Hearts"